Monday 9 September 2019

Strategies to Improve your Retail Packaging Design

Retail business is quite profitable. Whether you sell your products online or through a retail store, you need to make sure that your product is being likes by the customers. For this purpose, the first thing that you will need to work on, other than the quality of your product, is the retail packaging. The retail packaging is not all about the safety of your product. Since the product might have to sit on the shelves of retail stores for a long time, the packaging of product needs to be exceptional in order to stand out.

A few things that you need to consider to improve the retail packaging design are worth mentioning in this regard.

Make sure that your product has to travel less to reach your customers
It would be quite exciting to be able to select a store from where your product will be sold. But disappointment begins when your product has to be prominent from a group of many other products.

In this scenario, the challenge to get the products noticed has become tougher. More companies are launching their products and, so, the customers have to choose from a wide range of products from many different brands. The role of e-commerce has also become important. Companies have started selling their products online. And this online selling has brought with it its own unique set of challenges for the sellers.

The need here is to make sure that you have designed the product packaging right according to what challenges require from you. A well-designed package can increase the likelihood of sales from the retail store. And you can put this design on the web to increase your online sales. For this purpose, you have to make sure that the pictures of your products are of high quality. Here, it is quite important to take into consideration the e-commerce requirements of packaging design.

Make sure that your product stands out well
The first thing the customers see in your product is its packaging design. So, whether you are selling through retail stores or online, you have to make sure that your product is ready to convince your customers for a purchase.

In this scenario, if you have to be different in terms of packaging shape and design, go for it. But there are some limitations which you need to fulfill. Being different just for the sake of being different is not going to work. You will have to design a different packaging design which could have the capability to attract your customers. You will need to take into consideration the preferences of your customers. There are many ways you can study your audience. You can see what they usually like to see in the packaging of the type of product you are selling.

Benefits of Foam Packaging

When your product is being shipped to the customer, there is always a risk of damage to the product. You may wonder what you can do to reduce the chances of damage. Well, you are going to have to pay attention to the packaging of the product. Proper packaging actually tends to provide optimum cushioning to the product and avoids the impact of shocks from damaging the product.

When it comes to shock resistance or absorption, the material that comes into the minds of most packagers is the foam. There are many ways foam can be helpful for your product. In this article, we are going to discuss some important benefits the foam can provide.

The benefits of foam are pretty much concerned with the types of foam packaging.

Polyurethane (PU)
The best thing about Polyurethane is that it is quite versatile form of foam packaging. It can be manipulated into many forms. Since it is open cell structure-based foam, it can be molded into any shape. Due to the softness it has, it absorbs the shocks and get back to its previous form immediately.

If you have lightweight fragile items to ship, you can use this foam for the protection of those items. It doesn’t produce odor and it has resistance to mildew. Due to this nature, this foam packaging is perfect for the packaging and shipping of foods or moisture-sensitive products.

Polyethylene (PE)
Polyethylene is much denser as compared to polyurethane. The reason is that this phone is based on close cell structure. This foam is ideal for the high sensitivity products which need better protection. This foam is highly resistant to moisture and damage.

Due to the versatility and ability to offer better resistance to damage, this foam is ideal for the products which are in a great need of protection during the shipping process. You can customize this foam to meet your requirements in any way you want.

Electronic products need protection from different perspectives. They do not only need to be protected against the shocks and impacts but they also need to be protected against static charges. Whether you are shipping computer components or automobile parts, you need to make sure that these products start functioning right after they are taken out of the box. For this purpose, you can use anti-static foam which doesn’t only cushion those items but it can also keep the item safe from the static charge.